Who’s very soft, has a head made of a pen nib, and is the single best companion for your journey through a world of words, stories, poems, and delights of all kinds!?
your very own...
To help celebrate YouthWrite’s 20th anniversary, we are extremely excited to announce that you can now take home your very own Inkling Plush Mascot based on an original design by our dear friend and acclaimed illustrator Spyder Yardley-Jones.
Carry with you a piece of the camp you love so very much and help support the ongoing effort to bring the YouthWrite magic to another generation of teens (and now adults!) who love to write.
For only $20 (plus shipping), you can spend as many quiet moments as you like with your dear friend Inkling. Inkling can help inspire, embolden, and delight you, your friends, and your family!
Due to high demand, we’ve already opened up the store for pre-orders. Shipping will commence as soon as Inkling packs his bags and seals his envelope.
Head on over to the store right away and lock down your very own Inkling Plush Mascot before they all fly away!