The following is a list of previous and current YouthWrite Instructors
ADon Aker (novelist) Ghada Al Atrash (poet) Karla Anderson (singer songwriter) Tomi Ajele (journalism, nonfiction) Tippy A Go Go (musician) BTodd Babiak (novelist/ journalist) Kimmy Beach (poet) Elena Belyea (playwright)
Ted Bishop (creative non-fiction writer) Meg Braem (playwright) Wakefield Brewster (poet) Colleen Brown (singer songwriter) Jocelyn Brown (fiction) Laura Burki (yoga instructor) Tanner Bushell (Film reviewer) Jenna Butler (poet) CHeather Camlot (novelist) Dawn Carter (poet/ spoken word artist) Stephanie Chan (writer) Kyle Charles (comics artist) Bob Chelmick (radio announcer) Aaron Coates (improviser/playwright) Cobra Collins (poet) Myrl Coulter (novelist) Michelle Casten-Magbanua (improvisor, rapper) Mike Czuba (Writer/playwright) DJordan Dack (poet/ spoken word artist) Natasha Deen (novelist) Kris Demeanor (singer songwriter) Wally Diefenthaler (global awareness) Ellen Doty (singer songwriter) Rachel Drouillard (yoga/writer) Catherine Dubois (comics artist) Marilyn Dumont (poet) EMarina Endicott (novelist) Tyler Enfield (fiction) FLynne Fairbridge (novelist/ poet) David Feehan (Actor/Filmmaker) Angela Flatekval (movement/musician) Marcus Fung (poet/drummer) GJoan Marie Galat (picture book author) Rick Garbutt (film production/camera operation) Martyn Godfrey (novelist) HMark Haroun (playwright/screenwriter) Darrin Hagen (playwright) Karen Hamdon (yoga) Barb Hartmann (artist/ illustrator) Mel Hohn (comics artist) Faye Reinberg Holt (creative non-fiction) Trudy Hipwell (drumming and percussion) Shelley Hrdlitschka (novelist) JBob Jahrig (singer songwriter) |
KCindy Kerr (dancer/ movement coach) Shirley Konrad (vocal coach) Tara Koett (improviser) Dale Lee Kwong (poet/playwright) LLady Vanessa (poet) Rebecca Lafond (poet) Roberta Laurie (creative non-fiction) Dustin Leeee (poet/ spoken word artist) Kathryn Gwun-Yeen Lennon (poet) Joey Lucius (improviser) Erika Luckert (poet) Annette Loiselle (playwrite, actor) MJanice MacDonald (novelist) Brendan MacLeod (poet/spoken word artist) Laurel Deedrick Mayne (novelist) Francis Mayrand (dance/music) Gillian McKercher (filmmaker/director) Rob Mclennan (poet) Dom McMann (writer/novelist) Conni Massing (playwrite) Hilary McMahon (literary agent) Helen Metella (journalist) Laurence Miall (novelist) Bruce Thomas Miller (filmmaker/director/writer) Alexis Moar (cinematographer/camera operator) Tololwa Mollel (storyteller/ picture book author) Susie Moloney (novelist / screenwriter) Liam Monaghan (playwright) Shani Mootoo (poet/ novelist) Melissa-Jo Belcourt Moses (artist) Kyle Muzyka (journalist) Miranda Martini (songwriter) Omar Mouallem (journalist, non-fiction)
(playwright/screenwriter) NKaz Nakajima (cinematographer/filmmaker) Caleb Nelson (songwriter) Luke Tracey Newmann (artist/ songwriter) Jason Lee Norman (fiction) Barbara North (screenwriter/ playwright) OJana O'Connor (improviser/playwright) Sabrina O'Donnell (comic artist) Cecilia Ortiz Luna (novelist) Cathy Ostlere (fiction) Mieko Ouchi (playwright) Dumisile Owane (playwright) PJeff Page (actor) Mary Pinkoski (poet) Carolyn Pogue (novelist/ non-fiction) Mifi Purvis (editor / non-fiction writer) RJen Rae (artist) Mason Repka (LARP, fiction) Paula Roberts (body percussion coach) Elsa Robinson (artist) Shima Robinson (poet) Pam Rocker (playwright) Carmen Rodriguez (non-fiction) Cathleen Rootsaert (playwright/ improviser) SMasani St. Rose (dancer/spoken word) Daniel J. Schneider (comic artist) Anna Marie Sewell (poet and Edmonton Poet Laureate) Shirley Serviss (poet) Carol Shaben (creative non-fiction) Shirlee Smith Matheson (novelist) Joseph Simons (novelist) Steven Ross Smith (poet) Jennifer Snow (novelist) Loren Spector (artist/ illustrator) Keegan Starlight (painter)
(novelist) |
TGeo Takach (humorist) Phil Taranger (screenwriter) Jan Taylor (playwright / producer) Noel Taylor (improviser/poet) Vern Thiessen (playwright/ actor) Kelly Thomas (percussionist/ musician) Keath Thome (Calihoo) (actor/ storyteller) Amanda Torres (animator) Terry Trueman (novelist)
Cameron Tully (blue pencil cafe coach) M.L.E Tremblay (animator) UPeter Unwin (novelist/creative non-fiction writer) VJoe Vanderhelm (improviser) Victoria Vilaivan (yoga, poet) Gina Veres (animation) Richard Van Camp (picture book author, U of A Writer in Residence) WSebastian Wen (poet) Laurie Westman (dancer/movement coach) Miranda White (film editor) Joshua Whitehead (novelist) Randy Williams (social media) Brandon Wint (poet) Elizabeth Withey (writer/ journalist/ artist) YJia-Jia Yong (Poet) Spyder Yardley-Jones (artist/ cartoonist/ illustrator) |