$140.00 CAD

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$140 Base Price
+ $NaN YouthWrite Camp Experience
+ $NaN If Online, please select how many workshops
+ $NaN If Online, extra kids in household attending
+ $NaN If Online, please tell us which day or days.
+ $NaN After School Care (Live camp only)
+ $NaN Soul to Sole with Masani St. Rose
+ $NaN How to Poet with Shima Robinson
+ $NaN Add a donation (with our thanks)
+ $NaN Participant Legal Name
+ $NaN Birthdate (Day/Month/Year)
+ $NaN Age
+ $NaN Grade Completed as of June 2025
+ $NaN How did you hear about YouthWrite
+ $NaN Any dietary restrictions or allergies?
+ $NaN Mental or physical health factors we should know?
+ $NaN Please list any medications
+ $NaN Alberta Health Care #
+ $0 Price Modifiers
$140 Subtotal